Friday, July 12, 2019

Reviews: CARL by Hussein Traboulsi

Hello everyone! 

Today, I will be telling you why YOU ABSOLUTELY SHOULD READ the webcomic CARL by Hussein Traboulsi. This

What's So Great About It

CARL follows the story of a robot psychiatrist, named CARL, who becomes sentient. He works with patients, interacts hilariously with his "younger siblings," and protects his friends and family from people who might want to hurt them. Besides CARL, the delightful cast if populated by CARL's no-nonsense "father" Dr. Alda, his adorably geeky brother Two (he's my favorite), his grumpy sister Oreo, and––later on––friendly the human scientist Vicki and the quirky engineer Larry.

The premise may make CARL sound a little campy––and it is good, campy fun a lot of the time––it is sooooooooo much more than that. This webcomic put me through the emotional ringer both times I've read it. There were times I laughed hysterically, times I screamed at the characters for doing stupid things, times I couldn't help but say "Awww" because of the wholesomeness, and times where I bawled my eyes out. It has everything!

Most of the first season's story follows the exploits of CARL, Dr. Alda, and Two as they try to stop Alda's arch-rival, Dr. Vauss, from stealing the CARL project for himself.

CARL and Two also have to find acceptance in the world of humans when their sentience becomes known to the world. The season will have you griping the edge of your seat in anticipation for what happens next!

Where Can You Find it?

CARL was first published in November 2017 and is available on WEBTOON. (I will also provide a link to it.) It updates every Monday and Tuesday, but is currently on hiatus until September.

Don't let that stop you though! While it may not update for a while, there are 150 strips for you catch up on. If that sounds intimidating, it's not as bad as it sounds. I managed to binge it all in three days, and it was a magical use of those days.

Please, check out CARL for yourself here: CARL by Hussein Traboulsi

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